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  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    November 8, 2023 at 12:58

    Hi, @dorothy-schesly-jourdelan

    If it ferments too slowly you can put it in a warm place like inside your oven but turned off and on the surface you can put a tray with hot water so that the steam helps ferment.
    But if your dough ferments too quickly you have to put it in the coldest or coolest place in your house. You can also use ice water to form your dough and thus prevent it from fermenting quickly.

  • Sol Damiani

    November 8, 2023 at 13:57

    Hi @dorothy-schesly-jourdelan

    Welcome to our Community 👋

    Since you got Sussan’s answer so quickly now I feel free invite you to share photos of those wonderful 🥐in our feed. We absolutely love seeing your creative process. We enoy it so much we’ve created an award; the #ScoolistarStar. If your pic gets one, we’ll upload it on our Instagram stories and add it to our ‘Culinary Hall of Fame’.

    You may also join our challenges: yesterday we launched our first marathon “the Scoolithon” 🏁and, completing 9 mini challenges you may win a FREE subscription or subscription renewal and a shoutout on Social Media.

    Take care!

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